Pulau Aman Seafood Trip
Went on a food trip all the way to Pulau Aman the last weekend..
To and fro journey from the Batu Kawan jetty is only RM6... A short but enjoyable trip if I may say.
Guess what I found on the boat. See this picture without seeing the next...
I found superboy!!! Seriously this kid had been staring at me with that facial expression for the entire journey.
Arriving at the old Jetty in Pulau Aman.
The new jetty is still under "renovation"... The last I remembered it was completed and somehow they are rebuilding it...
Only found on the island. I didn't even try as my main intentions was the seafood there...
Fresh from the sea. The fishermans will drop their cargo into these little tanks and you just choose which one that you want..
Mantis prawn, I CHOOSE YOU!!!! This big bugger was caught swimming real fast running away from the net when I wanna haul him up... It's a little on the expensive side but I would say it's worth it. RM85/Kg.
Horseshoe crab!!!
The underside of it reminds me of Aliens vs Predators... Of course this is the Predators...
My 1kg of big prawns.. I found that their price varies according to their seasonal catch.. At this moment they are at RM38/Kg. Steaming them at the restaurant costs another RM5.
Just ordered the normal mee udang as I had the whole kg of big prawns in the steamer screaming for help... RM6/plate for normal.
Finally my Mantis prawn "jumped" out of the steamer...
The size of one of the buggers compared to a plate...
You know what this reminds me of? Cockroaches... see the lower abdomen part? exactly like a cockroach more than a mantis if you ask me.. Those sharp spikes are what you really wanna avoid in a fight with the prawn..
The whole KG of prawns out of the steamer which also symbolizes how it shoot my cholestrol level out of the calculatable range...
I was thinking of if my company were to suddenly make us all go for a mandatory medical checkup and I am sure I wouldn't be a good news but hell who cares... Guess what happened next? There wasn't a single one left on the plate...
Conclusion? They are good for freshness if you steam it then and there but if you are looking for variety, you should prepare your own icebox and cook them any way you want when you are home.

Conclusion? They are good for freshness if you steam it then and there but if you are looking for variety, you should prepare your own icebox and cook them any way you want when you are home.