Happy Holidays?

You : Boss, can I take leave on Friday so I can get a whole stretch of 5 days?
Boss : Can, hand in your resignation letter then you can have a whole stretch of 5 years if you want.
You(walks quietly out of the room or loudly by banging the boss door till his picture drops from the wall) : ....

No!No! This post is not about holidays but dedicated to those who can't have holiday this Friday like me. Yeah. It's hard but it's life. Be content that you still have a job when a lot of others are retrenched.

Okla. Since you are such good people and have to work on this Friday so I give you guys an incentive ok? Picture of a vacation spot. Tadaa...

I can feel shoes heading to my head now. Wuahahahaha. Anyway have a Merry(Not so merry for some) Christmas. Happy working or you can always bug me during working hours(I am sensing part 4 of my post here, here and here)


Anonymous said…
I'm on leave. LMAO. But is till want to throw shoes, because I am practically pok kai, just can stay home and rot, no vacation! *RAWR*
Josephine said…
Thanks for dropping by to my blog. If i were to give the best comment award to my blog readers, I think u will be the winner.

Thanks for your comments. I like it very much.

And u r not alone, I am working this coming Friday, in fact, OT on Christmas eve, and standby on Thursday... :(
Kellaw said…
Clef - LoL. Who ask you take leave then? Waste another day. The vacation pictures are taken when I travel on my own on the weekends la. Take public transport travel la. Doesn't cost much when you can basically camp there. Can have firewood(as opposed to candlelight) dinner sumore.

Jo - It's okla. I know for a fact a dozen of guys gonna work with me so it's ok. And I basically have a lake view office but try looking at that everyday. Hahaha. The comment? Learnt through experiences lo. I am working full day also tomorrow. Happy working ya. Hahaha
Anonymous said…
Sigghhhh... If i dun take leave, then the annual leave will be burn cuz can't bring forward-that's even more wasted. Rather waste it at home than waste it in the office full of bitches. Aiyah... u forget la. I'm married, so when hols, my time are always for families and for the outlaws. *SIGH*
Kellaw said…
Who ask you marry so early? Wuahahahahaha!!!
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