Hotel 626 solution

For those who don't know what is happening here. Please go to the post here.

Yes I went through it over and over again just for you guys. This is definitely a spoiler as it will kill all the fun for you guys. If you are sure you want this press Ctrl+A

Go play on your own first la. Why so Gan Jeong(impatient) wo?

Oklo. You guys fuck me already say I potong stim(leave you guys hanging halfway). Okla here is the solution for the game. You guys and girls should really try it out before coming here for the answers. Tell liao more potong stim.

Ok. Let’s Start.

If some of you dumbfucks face this problem trying to play this while in office hours just to find it closed and not as I have told you guys that it's only open from 6pm to 6am or you are too ball less to get your IT help support then here's the solution:-

Go set your computer time backwards or forward la. If you don't know how to do this, it's time to stop using the computer and start staying in the jungle. Some company may not give you the admin rights to change it so just too bad for you guys. I am not responsible if you get caught playing games while in office hours. Oh one more thing. Don’t forget to set your clock back after you are done. Don't blame me if you go home 1 hour later or worse still several hours late because your clock shows it's just 4 when it's 8 outside.

Ok fill in all your particulars and it's a good time to get a web cam if you don't have one. For goodness sake its only around 50 bucks for one ok? If you can afford to have kfc and sit in front of a computer you can afford it ok?

Welcome to Hotel 626.

Level One (denoted by 1 slash downwards) - "ONLY BY CONFRONTING YOUR DARKEST FEARS CAN YOU FIND THE LIGHT"

There is nothing you can do in this level but just watch

Level Two (
denoted by 2 slashes downwards) - "ONE IS NOT LIKE THE OTHERS"

You start moving down a hallway with a lot of doors around

Solution : Look on the right side and till you run towards the end. Click rapidly on the door with the red exit sound next to it.

Dead End : Else you can always wait to see what happens to you if you don't do as I say or believe the solution I gave you.

Level Three (
denoted by 3 slashes downwards) - "SHE LIVES IN DARKNESS. SHOW HER THE LIGHT"

It's an easy level out. Some or should I say most are stuck here. Read the title of this level again. What should you do? It says show her the light la. Not put your laptop under the sun that it's so bloody bright that you can't differentiate the dark pixels from one another. This is one bloody reason I ask you guys to play in the dark. See still don't want to listen to me?

Solution : There will be a shadow walking around at the background, and yes, you have to be the mythbusters and capture the picture to prove the existence of supernatural powers. Oh for goodness sake start snapping already, will ya? Just try to chase around and snap if it's inside the frame.

Dead End : Try snapping all your shots on the empty wall and see what happens. It's an interesting experiment. Just like mythbusters experimenting around and blow their effking face off.

Level Four (
denoted by 4 slashes downwards) - "JUST IN TIME"

You need to be quick in this one. It's something like level 2 but this time you are walking down a triangle building stairwell.

Solution : Do nothing and wait for the surprise la. What else?

Dead End : Click on the last door when you see dark shadows approaching you. See?Still want to trust me or not? Hahahaha! don't angry la. Giving you the solution already. What more can you ask for?

Level Five (
denoted by 4 slashes downwards and a dash across) - "SING ME A LULLABY"

This is an interesting level. You see a kid sleeping. If it's real, I would just cuddle the child and put my fingers in her mouth and see what happens but that isn't gonna happen right? Forget it then.

Solution : Move your mouse around to make the music play. You will notice you go slow it will enter the red region. Then faster a little, it will enter the white region. The best is to have it above that white region so you can end the game faster. Correct or not? It did end faster right? I never lie to you ma. Hahaha.

Dead End: Go slow la. You know babies like listening to slow music then sleep right. Too much noise might wake her up. So go slow till you only fill 1 notch on the meter only.

There is also a bonus level where you need to escape from this room.

Solution : Do a break dance right on your way out. Trust me. It's quite amusing actually. Happy right? Okla. Tell you la. Keep the ball in the middle by moving your mouse. Balance things up.

Dead End : Don't do anything at all and enjoy the scene in the room. Reminds you of your old room right? Hahahaha!

Level Six (denotes by 1 bundle and 1 slash downwards) - "HELPLESS"

Like the title say, you are hopeless. Oops. Helpless I mean. That's why you are here isn't it? Just enjoy watching the clip.

Level Seven (
denotes by 1 bundle and 2 slashes downwards) - "HE KNOWS THE WAY"(to eat you up)

The most difficult level of the game actually. How to get out? Ask for the key from the mad man who is next to you la. No ah? Can't ask mea? I thought I did asked for the key from him? You never on your speakers is it? You should do. He communicates through telekinesis(talks right to your brain).

Solution : Remember all the red parts which you see. Count their numbers as you look at the walls. This is a random one. So I can't really give you the solution. Mine would be different than yours. Once you reach the door listen to what that falle tells you. In the sequence of pictures he tells you, enter the digits. Thats the pin code to get out of there. Mine was "Hands, Spiders, Horse" which translates to 9,8,4.

Dead End : Key in your mum's birthday number or even your girlfriend/boyfriend's whatever number(could be measurements of you know what la). You never know you might get lucky in that sense. Or you can also choose to play keypad musical piano. Each keypad gives a different sound. The challenge is to finish a classical. Could you?

Level Eight (
denotes by 1 bundle and 3 slashes downwards) - "FIND YOURSELF A WAY OUT"

Read the title again. Still don't know the way out? Find your own picture in the room la(that's if you allowed the use of web cam. No cam? Didn't I tell you to get a web cam? See la dont want to listen to old man speaking. Serve you right.

Solution : Click on your own ugly picture la. Must be quick. You can double click and drop the pictures. Click on the next row if you wanna get to the next row. There is a time limit here.

Dead End : Search for the most pretty girl(who might be naked) or the most handsome guy you ever seen. Stare and enjoy all the moment you have with the picture. Nice right? Where could you find all these pretty and handsome people around le?

Okla. You got no web cam but still want to play? Go find the one that stands out among the rest. No, Not talking about the ugliest or the prettiest sweet young thing you have ever seen. Find the one with the corridor. Click on it.

Level Nine (
denotes by 1 bundle and 4 slashes downwards) - "ANSWER AND YOU'LL HAVE THE ANSWERS"

Why didn't you answer the phone? No microphone? I said you should go get one right? Haih. You people will never listen.

Solution : Listen to what the guy tells you. Go to the opposite of what he asks you to go. Surely you will find your way to end the game faster. Be quick though. Fast or not? Now try again and follow the instructions la.

Dead End : Don't move your mouse. You will knock yourself on the wall. Bam and you end up with a bloody head and becomes a part of the community there.

Level Ten (Denotes 2 bundle) - "YOUR CHECK OUT TIME IS NOW"

It's a movie actually. Just sit through it and reward yourself that you completed the game.

Solution : You get into the your car. Start the engine. Look at the back mirror. Finds a pretty yound girl sitting at the back with one handsome bloke. You can only choose one to bring home ok?

Dead End : Choose the guy if you are a guy or choose the girl if you are a girl. You will enjoy it I promise.

If you still don't know how to complete this. Go get a rope. Tie to the fan. Hang yourself or leave a comment asking.


Maki Cabrera said…
i love this.but i think highlighting had never done such a good trick after all.tiring and all.o'well..thanks for this post i can actually escape from that hoodlumy lookin guy..helpless!!
Kellaw said…
you dont need to highlight actually. just ctrl + a. then you can see all already
Unknown said…
hye dude.. me still having hard time to pass over level 7..
Kellaw said…
mohen - where are you facing problem?
notebook said…
i like this place
alat musik said…
nice too meet your blog
sprei said…
thanks for this place
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