The story of how I got threatened (funny)

Yes the same idiot from this post here visited me on MSN while I am at work. This same idiot left plenty of traces around the internet world with all his personal information intact. Wonder what they teach kids in schools nowadays. They never learn do they? The screenshot is self explanatory.

He is really one of a kind. The type which is unique and you can't get many of them anymore nowadays. Click on the image for a larger view.


Anonymous said…
LOL! Ignor eand block that people lor..nuff said. Easy rite? No headache liao... :)

The more youlayan this type of people tyhemore they think they you like them punya :)
Kellaw said…
nola. I want to block also but my msn sot sot dei already so cant block. i find him amusing actually
Anonymous said…
It never ceased to amuse me that annoying people and idiots are everywhere.
Kellaw said…
I think this is going to go a very very long way my friend. Actually I am already expecting a part 3 soon. Hahahahaa
Anonymous said…
update on the part 3 :) That person deserve to get IDIOT AWARD la..
Kellaw said…
Not yet. That fella havent disturb me yet today because whole day meeting. Hahahaah
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