Rapid KL LIED!! TIPU!!

I have been a Rapid KL user since the days of Intrakota and Star LRT. Yes, that roughly tells you how long I had relied on public transport to move around KL. I mean the infrequent train and the rise in fares had affected me in a bad way but it's still bearable. The cost of taking the bus home had risen from a mere RM40++ for RM2 daily bus pass to RM100 for a bus pass. This doesn't include the train rides I take. To make it worse, they boast LIED in their brochures that "SAVE 50% on fares when you buy passes". I think the brochures should be rewritten as "YOU PAY EXTRA 100% on fares even when you buy passes" or "WE EARN DOUBLE FROM PASS SALES". Well I still lived on with it despite having to wait for hours at bus stops for buses which seems to always have their display light malfunctioned, looking at buses passing by and not stopping at all, enduring dirty buses, bear with abusive rude drivers who scolds passengers "bodoh", "babi...