Blogger United

I am gonna share with you guys this site. It's named Blogger United or more commonly known as BU. OkOk I will just cut the crap and go straight to the point or I will end up writing an essay over it. I am supposed to put up this post up yesterday if not for the rain which left me soaking wet down to the underwear. I had to run to avoid getting more wet (proven by mythbusters) and end up having a cramp feet. Then blogspot had been giving me trouble to upload pictures.

Having a cramp isn't good you know. No I am not talking about the once a month cramp here you hamsap fellas. Having the cramp is already bad. Needing to stand all the way in KTM and climb over a gate with that cramped leg does it no better good. So I think I hurt the muscle and hopefully it's not a muscle tear. It's still bloody painfull that I am wearing sports show to work today which looks odd.

So what's about BU? Well. It's been some time where I am part of this blogger social network site(about 2 weeks if I am not wrong). It's still new and in it's beta testing phase. So if you join now, I am sure you can get a lot of traffic. Trust me when I say members are starting to build up. The best part? Active members get featured(that's if you can beat my activity lol)

Ok enough about the nonsense. I will show you some screenshots.

So what are you waiting for? After Sou Chou no boat ride le. Where else can you find a monkey, cockroach(dead one don't worry), dinosaur, nyamuk(which resembles my name-find out yourself who is it la) and biawak getting together next to a dollie, an egg in curry sauce, kellogs corn flakes and beer??? You tell me la. The zoo also don't have so many variety of animals and food too. If you have problem there with the site, do contact the zoo keeper who is also part time lou pan leong of the BU restaurant and doll shop, rei99. Fai tit go my page here, then sign up. Then add me as friend la. Tell me once you joined.

Rei if you are reading this, you owe me lunch and angpau for chinese new year liao. I help you write a review on the site.


Josephine said…
Another community ar?
shufang(^o^) said…
jadelyn dropping by yea~~happy cny~~:P
Anonymous said…
wah! aisheh man, got mention me ah...
Kellaw said…
Jo - go join fast

Shufang - welcome to my blog.

DC - wah so fast spotted liao. i thought you hide under the fridge one?
Anonymous said…
Fridge is yesterday. Today is behind cabinet. Must keep changing hideout one...
Kellaw said…
*Sprays shieldtox and grins...

Wuahahahaahah!(add in devil smile here)
Anonymous said…
i live longer than dinosaur where got die so easily?
Kellaw said…
*use double tin shieldtox
Josephine said…
I don want to join la. What for....

Wei go to

I told u that Lisa is a Leng lui rite???

See now she is on Beautifulgirlbloggerpart2 d!!!

Now u "drop specs" or not???

Kellaw said…
Jo - why want drop specs le?
Calvin Soo KJ said…
me want in too :) back from my hiatus state d.....
Kellaw said…
then go join lo calvin
dollieee said…
Hello, hopping back to yours ^^x
Annoymous said…
Yeah its not a bad one really.
Kellaw said…
dolliee - lol. got kangaroo liao. hahahaa. welcome to my blog

Harmony sumore say. never add me
Lisa said…
wei our BU looks like zoo-gang liao :D
Kellaw said…
Nola. now look like doll shop. severa dollies just joined. hahaha
hey thanks for dropping by... ^^
Kellaw said…
anne welcome to my bloggie
Evelyn G. said…
Wish you a Happy Chinese New Year *MOooO* No ads to click ,lol.enjoy your holiday, frm yenniedoll.
havalyn hong said…
hi Kellaw, thanks 4 dropping by. hav a nice day n Happy CNY~! =)
renaye said…
i have heard of that before but never join.

RYN: can forgive but the hurt is still raw. it's going to take a long time to heal.

Kellaw said…
Yennie. I accept cash also. lol

kayee. welcome to my blog

loke/renaye(sounds like ren - a -ye/ppl's auntie) forgive and forget la. useless to take grudges with you. go join in BU and meet more new friends
Tekkaus said…
Stumbled upon it some times ago...still wondering if i should join it...there are too many communities nowadays. Anyway I wanna wish you happy chinese cow year! May the God of prosperity bless with you with lots of money. And may you always be in good health! =)
Anonymous said…
Kellaw said…
takky - go join la. its good to try out there. you get your blog known to others more easily. thanks for the wishes and wish you the same.

jasmine - welcome and happy chinese new year to you too.
Hi there!
Thanks for dropping by!! hahahah
Happy CNY!

Sorry for the late reply because I was sick!
Kellaw said…
welcome chloe. nevermind la. get well soon
renaye said…
riiow. scratch u. how dare u say my name sounds like people's auntie? it's a french name. :p

Kellaw said…
lol. ren-a-yi wanna scratch me liao. hahaha. too bad not cat year. hahaha

sorry la i dunno ma. hahaha
Lavender said…
Hey you left a comment on my blog about changing my blog link to

I don't get it. Isn't that my link already?
Tekkaus said…
Happy Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fatt Chai! =)
Kellaw said…
lavender - it's listed as

instead of

which gives a 404 error not found in BU.

Tekkaus - same to you too. i am still bloody sick.
Kellaw said…
xin yun - happy cny to you too
Kellaw said…
Lol Andrew got on the list sure you like it la. lol
ahmad said…
wah! aisheh man, got mention me ah...
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