Fishing trip and the wedding ring

Yeah right I proposed to someone while on a fishing trip. Could you believe that? I went off to get a wedding ring and sat next to the grass while fishing and silently took out the wedding ring and........ Hell am I going to propose you may ask? No la. It's not about me getting married which uncles and aunties had been asking me for such a darn long time. For goodness sake, you guys don't believe that I would get married so soon right?

While on a fishing trip(not gonna tell you where I went) I sat next to a teenage boy and his grandfather(or was it his father but he seem too old to be his father lol so we shall keep him as the grandpa for now) fishing together. While fishing, the old man starts talking about how times have changed. How prices of mee go from several cents to tens of dollars now. How they don't have anything such as computer games. How kids used to spend more time outdoors.

Then the young man picks up on this and starts talking about the various problems and diseases going around. Teen says, "Grandpa, they didn't have a whole lot of problems with all these diseases when you were young did they?" (Which I felt like telling him that then the medical science isn't that advanced yet so people die of "unknown" causes)

Grandpa replies, "Nope." Teen says, "Well, what did you guys use for safe sex?" Grandpa replies, "A wedding ring." I controlled my laughter hearing what the old man says. After that all I heard was silence while we all continued fishing till the young man speaks again. He said that a recent study showed that the average husband only actually speaks to his wife about thirty-seven minutes each week. He asked his grandpa if he talked to his wife that little after they are married.

What the old man answered was classic. He said "Just how long do you think it takes to say "Um" or "Uh-huh" or "Yes dear" or "I'm sorry"? I went speechless. I think the old man is still happily married to his wife. Hahahaha. Anyway enough of reading. Go work now.


Calvin Soo KJ said…
hahahaha...good post btw. i hope i have more tho say to my wife when im much older instead of em and ahs..... lol
Josephine said…
why la u guys blog about before and after married geh? They all sound scary loh!
Ppl getting married soon leh. Stop making me scare, ok or not!
Kellaw said…
Lol. Calvin, instead of words, i guess the old couples already understand each other to the level that each other know what the other wants liao.

Jo - Scary mea? Marriage is actually a gamble. Actually everything we do in life is a gamble on it's own. Better to know earlier than to cheat yourself for the rest of your life. Good luck inyour marriage and wish you happy la.
3POINT8 said…
that old guy sure had a good life...
Kellaw said…
3.8 - maybe he does but we will never know.
Tekkaus said…
A great one! I wanna get marry soon! =) Marriage is a big emotional gamble! But it's a risk we have to take!
Kellaw said…
When? Am I invited Tekkaus?
Unknown said…
lol this is quite interesting read. 2 funny parts haha! :)
Kellaw said…
QuaChee - where you went. so many days never see you here.
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