Funny sighting

A woman walking near a bus stop and suddenly yelled:- "Oh! Shit!"
Then a guy near him says "Yes, you are right there. It's shit that you stepped on"
The other people at the bus stop laughed till their stomach burst and we have another session of happy tree friends.

Happy New Year guys

Ps. It's a sad new year for me because I just twisted my ankle. Sigh. And some shit just happened...


Myhorng said…
twisted ankle for punishment cos laughing too loud? LOL.
happy new year dude.
Kellaw said…
Laughing also get punishment ar? Haih. The thing happen after I twist my ankle la. So you mean god know what I am going to do after la is it? I twisted my ankle to avoid stepping on my puppy. Else he will die on the spot.
Josephine said…
Twisted ur ankle? Haiyoh... why so 'lun jun'.

A bit pain on ur ankle is better than losing ur puppy, rite?
Take care fren...
Kellaw said…
That's what I think till I found out he dig holes in the garden and hide my shoes and slippers there. And that fella poop in the garden. Sigh. Now tie him up liao. Too bad la. Better he suffer than I suffer.
Tekkaus said…
Hie, I'm new here! Yeah, it's better to twist your ankle than stepping on your puppy! It's a compliment! =) Anyway happy new year!
Kellaw said…
Welcome tekkaus. Yeah. Maybe it's better. Maybe not. We never know what will happen next.
Reanaclaire said…
hey.. sorry to hear about yr twisted ankle.. hope nothing else got twisted..
i also must be careful with my dashchund, he is so short.. i got to remember that.. haha..
as for me, new year eve, ada sore throat, then turned to cold and now like going to kat kat.. cough .. phoof...
Kellaw said…
What else do you think can go twisted lol. hahaha. Yeah Need to be careful because they are small at time. Drink more water and get well soon la.
Kellaw said…
Good way to start a new year. stepped on "Gold". LoL
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