New year resolution

1. Stop reading blogs when I am hungry

2. Stop reading blogs when I am hungry!

3. Stop reading blogs when I am hungry!!

4. Stop reading blogs when I am hungry when I know there will be photos of food!!!


Anonymous said…
Ahahaha, I dun think your resolution will work.... =.= I am sure your tangan very gatal to read blogs when you're hungry! :-P
Kellaw said…
You seem to have a lot of experience heh? I am already broke la Clef. You bad la. Stay whole day in home also never cook for me.
Josephine said…
I think u can still read geh...
Keep on drinking water while you are reading blogs...
Kellaw said…
Yeah. You say is easy. You think like in the movies ar? Got love drink water also full?

Really pokai liao. Company like darn broke haven't send me my monthly paycheck
Tekkaus said…
Reading while hungry is quite torturing! =) More so after you know it's hard to get those yummy food that you "read"! =)
Kellaw said…
Yeah la. Some are as far as singapore, taiwan, paris and hong kong. Don't say pay for travel la. The food also maybe I can't afford.
Anonymous said…
=.= of course i got a lot of experience in reading blogs when i am hungry. You see, I am an insomniac...always suddenly wake up at 3am, den 4-5am only can sleep back and wake up to go to work around 7am++. In between, I have ntg to do, so go online to read. Always can see people showing off their food. LMAO. o.O wouldn't want to be my guinea pig la...I bet only my husband and my dad can take my cooking without complaining. Ahahaha...

But talk about pok kai... I also pok kai these days. Recession hits my family least me and my husband la...cuz business damn slow, people got money also refused to spend. They wait their pc explode oso still wanna consider buying a new one... :-( sad la...
Thank God i got work, or else, whole family starve liao.
Kellaw said…
me? worse is enter hosp only ma. hosp not bad you know? hahahaha. got menu sumore.

thats why we programmers always have a dateline(expiry date) installed in the coding of programs we make. So it will give you all sorts of probs when time's up. thats why microsoft kaya.

Teach you la. put a timebomb inside the computers you sell. then cukup masa, the owner will end up with a black face. wuahahahaha
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