The tale of how my friend got raped

Warning/Disclaimer : Explicit/violent materials ahead. This post is rated 13-PG. If you are a minor, please close this unless you are sure you can handle this or if you are sitting next to your parents. To those insomniac, I am not responsible if you read my blog at 3am in the morning and start laughing like a mad lady till your neighbor turns up at your door with a shotgun.

Long long time ago, in a kingdom far far away... *slaps - it's in Malaysia la. In fact it's in KL. Not a fairy tale ok? Ok back to the story liao.

The tale started when we are in a blow water(bragging) session over mamak. One of the guys started talking about getting laid and suddenly..... here's the fun part.

One fella(not gonna name him because he knows where I stay. I don't want to come home to ashes of my burnt house lol) said he went to this wild party organized by a friend of his. Since it's a wild party organized by a guy, you would have expected that there are more girls than blokes. So the usual drinking started.

My friend so claimed that he was drunk and no longer sober after the XXth mug(hell knows how much drug was used there). All he remembered was a girl carried him to the second floor and raped him. Imaging a girl carrying a dead corpse(that's his condition as he claims then). How many girls can actually carry a corpse 80kg in weight? So what is the first thing that comes into mind? Use some imagination here and your common sense too.

Oh yeah. I forgot to add the detail that he is so sure that the girl raped him then and there. He also claims to have back pain and pain on his privates in the morning after getting raped. So have you come to a conclusion on what actually happened? My friend claimed that it's a hot pretty chick.






Come on. It can't be that hard right?

The whole group came down to 2 conclusion. The one who raped him is either a man. Logic right? One that is able to carry him upstairs and gays actually enjoy getting penetrated from the back(from researches). The other possibility is the girl is actually ugly and fat that she need to drug him to get laid. It's easier to carry an 80kg corpse when you are big in size and it explains the back pain perfectly. You want a sample? Oklo. Here goes

*mmph* You take my breath away, darling. (reminds me of the Top Gun song - tube below)


Myhorng said…
he should be dead by now!
Kellaw said…
On the contrary, he is very much alive right now. He just read my post and called to screw me. Lol. Enjoy it while it's still up. Hahaha
Isley Chang~ said…
is your friend the 2nd norbit? Lol
Anonymous said…
=.=i seriously think he was raped by a gay...come on la... asshole pain worr...why would a girl poke his asshole? i really cannot imagine la.
Anonymous said…
Damn lorr... I know that the insomniac in ur disclaimer is referring to me... =.=
Kellaw said…
Isley - 0.o Maybe lo. Why don't I give you his number and you go ask?

Clef - I didn't specify names did I? lol. You came here and admit yourself one =)

Pain in privates means it's pain on his rod la. not the hole. If it's his hole, I think the girl must have hated him so much that she stuck a broomstick in there. Hahaha
Lisa said…
that is ugly!!!
Kellaw said…
Just a pic la Lisa. An illustration of what happened. Hahaha
Josephine said…
I like that picture!
Cool man!
Kellaw said…
Lol. Jo you can have it if you want. hahaha.
-popjammerz- said…
where you get that pic..haha!
nice to see ya!
nice blog posts u have! :)
Kellaw said…
pop - welcome to my blog lol. got la my source. hahaha. thanks. enjoy your stay here
Anonymous said…
come gimme his number i go ask!
Kellaw said…
apocalypse angel. cant la. later i kena wack. unless wanna marry him la. i do the matchmaking then.
Anonymous said…
dun wan. he kena raped by fei poh b4 one.
Kellaw said…
Then why you want his number?? gatal ar?
Jacob Yap said…
Your bad! I can't sleep well tonight!
Kellaw said…
why my bad you cant sleep pulak?
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