Want bigger Breast?

While I was away shopping at this supermarket (No, I am not going to tell you which so you have to guess it yourself. It's in KL anyway), I saw the catalogs and saw that there are fresh chicken going on sale. Being a cook myself, so I go look see what I can get lo. They had a sale on boneless chicken breasts, and a hot young thing woman was at the counter before I reached there. She seems to be looking at the chickens in and out, holding them top bottom to have a 3D view of the chicken(typically a Malaysian seraching for a husband oops I mean chicken).

However, she was disappointed to find only a few skimpy prepackaged portions of the poultry, so she complained to the butcher who seems to be a nice guy. "Tak apa! Saya pack baru dan besar punya. Lu balik selepas shopping. Mesti ada" (Nevermind. I'll pack some new and bigger ones for you and have them ready for you by the time you finish shopping.)

I saw the chickens too but notice they were small so there ain't any bargain which I would buy so off I go shopping at the other racks and aisles. Several aisles later, I heard the butcher's voice boom over the public-address system: "Will the lady who wanted bigger breasts please meet me back at the fresh meat counter please."

I burst out laughing so hard that I have to squat there on the floor because I can no longer stand after the laughing so hard that my stomach started to ache. I wanted to actually go to the counter and see the woman's reaction but I was already in que at the check out counter.


Anonymous said…
OMG!!! That is crazy!!! So memalukan la..LOL!!
Kellaw said…
What to do. People never think before they speak. hahaha
Myhorng said…
WTF, y say breast not chicken or watever. LOLROF
Lisa said…

so farneee.....and yet sound stupid :D
Kellaw said…
Myhorng - if he said chicken, I wouldn't be laughing the whole day and that wouldn't make my day which equals to no this post right?

Lisa - Normal la. Want to say he is stupid also can't because he is speaking the truth ma. The woman really want bigger breasts ma.
Reanaclaire said…
i think he purposely la..haha.. but got such service one meh? they announce through the speaker? first time i heard... now i know, next time i wont ask for bigger breasts.. perhaps ask for bigger drumsticks.. and they might end up announcing, the lady who wants bigger sticks pls come forward???
Kellaw said…
Dunno if she did it on purpose or not la but I know people who heard it laugh non stop like me. Now you just have to find which supermarket got a loud pa system. If you ask for bigger stick, you might get all those old uncles searching for you. wuahahaha
Anonymous said…
Kellaw said…
lol thought no one will visit my old posts anymore. lol
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