Strange Dream....Again(déjà vu)

I am supposed to post this up earlier but sadly my sickness had gone from bad to worse. Now I am having the combination of flu, cough, chronic sore throat and fever. What else can go worse than the extent of coughing whole night and I can't bloody sleep? Like I said. Since the starting of the year till now, life had been tough for me. Sigh. Never mind, lets go straight to the point of the title.

Last night I didn't really sleep much but had the opportunity to dream a real short dream. I woke up and started recalling what I actually dreamed from start to end. It started where there were sports playing people around me and then I am like one of the higher rank guy around there. I saw a woman or a girl(can't be sure as I am thinking from the other side of my brain memory which is inaccessible to my brain when I am sober) getting a pile of metal windows and panes. She asked me to help saying "they(I don't know the they are referring to who actually) might be coming soon" and that pile is not plastic nor has holes which she can tie them together.

Somehow I got away without helping but before I went off I touched the panes to see them. Then I was led into a room which is divided into 2 by a partition of a wall with a window (it's like 2 rooms which have a connecting window. I see a guy sitting there on my side holding a piece paper with another standing behind him interviewing the guy in the next room.

The problem is when I looked into the other room through the window, I can see the same man holding the paper half out of the wall to the other side interrogating the guy on the other room. Then somehow I left the room to another room. This room I see another guy in front of a blue water basin. in the basin there is something la which I can't remember what? As he pour ice cold water from another pail, a figure started to form in the basin from small to a large object. It's like hollow man. An ugly old lady started to form in the basin. Imagine at that kind of situation, wouldn't you be scared?

The man then asked me to pour the cold water slowly. I think I was somehow lazy, I poured the whole pail of cold water in and the man shook his head. The old lady turned into a young lady. Then I got out of the single story complex with my bag afraid that the young lady might follow me. I actually read some mantra in my dreams while getting away from the complex. The young lady turn up at the door behind me and looked at me. I don't know why but I stopped there.

She chased up to me. Somehow I asked her how she know I can see her (I don't know why I said this but with the question I already suspected she is a ghost actually. If not how do you explain the basin incident?). She never answered me but instead told me that she was lost in the deep sea and someone came to pick them all up (which I suspect she is one of those that died in the sea and I am one of those who retrieve her kind of souls from the sea). Then she asked if she could hold the handle of my bag and follow me. I don't know why I agreed but I did. The asking of holding the handle of my bag was dreamed by me many years ago.

In the dream before she would go missing after holding the handle of my bag for a while. The latest dream is like the earlier part of my old dream. Just as she hold the handle and walk with me in the recent dream, I already woke up. I still don't understand why this dream came to me again but I think there's a reason to it so I am writing it down here so I can remember. It's very strange that I could remember this dream so well and clear and this had happened the second time (like I remembered my first dream)

Anyone had the same experience as I did? Or anyone could decipher what my dream mean. Do leave me a comment ok? On another note, I remember there's this camp where we are jungle tracking late at night. I don't remember or know why but we used a white candle instead of a torch light to find our way out of the place. Like trained scouts are used to do we do headcounts every now and then. There are about 8 of us. When a headcount is done, there are 9. I am like shit. Where the 9th came from? I thought I am tired and blurr so I didn't bother. As long as there are 8 then we are all safe.

Then we continued our journey for a while and I did the headcount again. This time I said the numbers aloud. I asked them to not move and remain static. One, Two, Three......Eight, Nine. The moment I said nine, some are already panicking asking me not to play jokes on them at that time. I am like, don't believe me then you come count la. Then one of us came and do the counting. One, Two....Eight, Nine, Ten. He counts again and said "Stop it. Don't you guys move around when I am counting". He counts again the same number came out. Then I am like, Sh!t. I didn't make a mistake then because he also counted more than 8.

It's then we realize that the candle I am holding is a white one which means I am showing the way out for them (the spirits) to get out from the jungle. It means they are following us all along. So we put out the candle and had the run of our life. I am still young then ma. We manage to keep track by the voice of our group footsteps and all went out in safety. The day after, the whole group fell sick except me. Coincidence? Go try yourself and you will see. Don't copy my post here as this post is my real experience and copyrighted. Do comment if you feel attracted to my writing here.

After you have read what I write here, go to my post here at night and enjoy yourself. Remember play the game ok?


Josephine said…
hey, I normally use dreams dictionary to interpret my dreams.
try it out, i find it accurate!

u want the temple picture ar? ok i send it to u.

Give me ur email address. Send it thru comment. Then i wont approve it to keep ur privacy...
Kellaw said…
ok. I will see what it means. hahaha

sent email liao
Kellaw said…
Welcome to my blog lance
Lisa said…
wei your dream is so menakutkan...

drink more 100plus lor if food intake is hard ...
Kellaw said…
fluid intake also hard. pain when swallow saliva la. actually you know what is the problem? I don't feel scared at all throughout the dream and when I woke up i feel happy and refreshed lo.
Lisa said…
dream like that also feel happy

i think u need a lot of peipahkou..(if you know what is that)

my latest post is that 'hard to read reason' lor.....

put a cbox here lah
Kellaw said…
Serious le. I don't feel scared. I know what is peipahgou but broke liao. no money. you bad la never treat me. haih
that one i read liao. duwan cbox. later kena spam kau kau
Josephine said…
Yeah. Ice cream helps to soothe ur throat.
Go buy lah, from Mc Donalds... RM1.05 only rite?
I pay u next time...
Kellaw said…
here go mcd very far la
plus the ice cream will kill me more because i am having chronic coughs
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