To the CCB who plagiarize from my blog

You know who you are. You can hide in Maple Story but you can't hide for long. Do respect other peoples ideas ok? Come out with your own jokes and not take what I bloody wrote here. I am giving you a final warning. Don't make me go after you and let everyone know that you are a parasite and make you lose face. KNNMCCB!!!


Hi! Great and funny blog u got there!
u need to eat bread everyday?
ok la...i Follow ur blog la...hehehe!

Keep it up..

Trust me, I know how u feel when ppl copy u..
I kena also but I change the style immediately..
My advice: Keep changing it till the CCB cannot catch up..
this is because, a true blogger will never stop blog the new thing...
Kellaw said…
zizi - how to chill? need bomba liao.

sumandak - thanks for the visit. yeah. bread is my life now. 99cents from carrefour. full wheat one. change style? what you mean? i got idea only i blog one.
Reanaclaire said… angri leh.. btw, how do u know that the ccb copied yr posts? got hire 007? haha.. .sorry, hope after this warning, no more clones..
Kellaw said…
reana - ppl detected the same content la. read the comments in

if i hire 007 sure he kena gunned down liao
bLong said…
wa wa wa wa ~
maple story?~
anyway what's wit the bread thing?
Kellaw said…
blong. how to relax?yeah maple story chat. bread ar? you remember the old advertisement on radio or tv. cant remember la. the one say skim cepat kaya one. kena tipu all money then ask "macam mana?" then the answer "makan roti lo".

me no money so eat bread only. hahaha
Anonymous said…
Wa.. scary.. don la so angry.. well, think it this way, no one will plag things that are lousy as it doesn't even worth their time and energy to do so right? only something that are quality and good that will worth all these.. but tat doesn't mean credit should be given to them k.. chill k?
Sharon said…
hi, thanks for dropping over my blog :)
i clicked your ad hehehehe
Anonymous said…
U got play maple oso anot? lai, let's go play... I oso got play, kellaw, but it's been some time since I active, cuz no kaki. Play til 4th job, den cabut d.

neway, i hope the CCB's ass got screwed la... ntg better to do than plagia plagia around.

Neway, if you're playing maple and in Delph server, add me... Azumeril.
Josephine said…
wei cool down lah.
The angrier u get, the happier the person will be!

if the copycat copy again, then u can take legal action ...
Unknown said…
never mind la, if somebody plagiarizes your works,take it that you are too good and in fact i think you really are.

so dont worry bro, it is a compliment, unless you want the cuplrit to pay you royalty.

thank you
AsX said…
Hmm, another Maple story addict? Hmmm...
Kellaw said…
Myhorng - you supply assassin one isit? if i know he will kena straight from me already.

sin - at the very least credits be given back lo. haih

Ronnie - thanks. my money only increase RM 3 since a week ago. So 1 roti 2 days now. hahaha

clef - never play la. if got play sure that fella kena fire by me liao. i dont even play. dunno how to play also.

jo - not i want angry but at least credits be given back to me lo. legal action if he is in msia. and in msia, the courts take years if not decades.

eugene - i hope i get some royalty lol. broke already. thats why eat roti.

AsX - i don't play la. so my lunch how?
Anonymous said…
heheheh..chill dude..take it easy...just shoot that person la...end of story..:P
Kellaw said…
emelda - i don't play maple la. or else you will see the wrath of a person whose rights are infringed.
vialentino said…
hey kellaw...thanks for the visit....u have a nice day
Kellaw said…
via - welcome to my blog
Anonymous said…
Den better don't start play. That game kinda ruined my life for one whole damn year. =.= I got seriously addicted to it til I start blogging. Blogging actually saved my life and make me start thinking instead of getting stuck in the world of games. =.=
Kellaw said…
clef - i know it's addicting and thats why i never start. had too much to do in life.
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