132 silly things done? With a twist of course Part 1
Tag more than 10 people and repost it with the title:
I've done ???? out of the 132 stupid things.
LOL I am not going to tag anyone ok? What makes you think I will do so? I will also not tell you which bad things I had done but you can have your guess through my comments lol. Got this from Sushi actually.
Level 1
Smoked A Cigarette(a big no no for me)
Smoked A Cigar(if the previous was a big no for me you think this will be a yes?)
Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex(wei dad count ar? but cant remember if I did. I know I am a bad son lol)
Drank Alcohol( this one is easy. hey chinese food often has alcohol lol) if you are talking in the case of pure alcohol then I haven't been smuggling alcohol from the lab to taste lo.)
Level 2
Are / Been In Love
Been Dumped(in the dustbin? I did at once dump a guy into those DBKL big green metal dumps in a fight)

Shoplifted(confused between being shoplifted and actually does the act lol)
Been Fired(you mean getting BBQed over fire by a bunch of sakais or what?)

Been In A Fist Fight(spectators counted anot? Part of it also ma. No meh?)
Ok Now go wait for part 2 la. I am busy le.
EDIT: Go for part 2 HERE
Go for part 3 HERE
Part 4 HERE
Jo - not bath tub, it's hot tub. haha
david - thanks and returned your favor