If you plan to leave anonymous comments around

note: This article is to give an overview of the topic and the author is not responsible for any misuse of any portion of this article if you decide to break any laws.

Every now and then, I am sure some would get spams on the comment box. Some gets hate comments. How do we deal with that? Be online 24-7 to delete them as they come in? I choose to moderate comments, log details of visitors and not have a chat box for obvious reasons but at times, some people just don't really use their brains to think before they act. Instead, they use their butt to do the job. That is when they just leave an obvious trail leading back to themselves. Cool?

I came in this morning and found a friend complaining about someone leaving a hate comment of his blog. Now, imagine if you have one hate comment like this taken from the site with the IP address next to it.

someone@yahoo.com |

Why don’t u just fucking die already?

From ???, 2009/04/12 at 8:38 AM

What would you do with the IP address? It will be like "Oops! Shit! I just screwed up so badly it's beyond help". Say for those IT savvy guys, they would go for an IP locator which would point to the street the guy/girl is from. As the example, it is shown that the IP address comes from Air Itam, Penang using the ISP of TM Net. Next all the user have to do is to send an email to TM Net with the IP address, with the details of the site citing a police report done, the hate comment sender is screwed.

So people, if you really want to send hate comments, go to a cyber cafe far from your house(out of the state would be better). Make sure there are no CCTV in the cafe capturing your face else you are still screwed. Never sign in into any personal sites as they will be a good giveaway of your identity. Comment and just leave. You can always tempt fate by doing that from your home computer but be prepared to get caught. We had seen cases of defamation, threats and false allegations being sent through the internet but little did users know that they will always leave a track if they are not careful.

To those who intend to send me hate comments, I would advice you to do your keyboard a favor and spare it the torture of being pressed so hard that the keys flies out as the comment will never show up. All you would do is leave a trail leading back to you. If you intend to send hate comments to other sites, I bid you good luck. I would advice anyone not to do that to save your butt from getting polished in prison. Several are already facing trial sending anonymous comments. If you insist on being one of them, no one could stop you.


Anonymous said…
lol but i still think it's hard to really track them down.. sometimes the ip is incorrect.. i'm from perak, but sometimes i get kl's ip.. haha..

anyway, there's a reason why you moderate your comment right? probably its because you're expecting unwanted comments.. lol

cheers! =D
Arth Akal said…
so many haters out there and those who have nothing else better to do
Kellaw said…
kenwooi - you should know la. blogspot and cbox always kena ads. i see most cbox get comments selling viagra and cialis online lol. I moderate to keep comments related to the topic actually. wouldn't want what happened to my friend to happen to me lol. if they have the balls just post with their real name. no need to go annon lol. you get kl ip because you are using streamyx. all you need is a police report with that ip and TM will give you the details.

Arth - couldn't agree more.
jen ® said…
i have yet to receive any hate comments (thank God) but someone "dedicated" a hate post to me in her blog. childish isn't it? but i'm ok with that because it shows that she's just plain jealous of me, maybe lol..
Kellaw said…
lol jen. just let it be la. they will feel like an idiot when they are not getting your attention. lol
Myhorng said…
ohh so far not on my blog still.
Kellaw said…
good lo. a lot of sites does moderate comments actually.
Tekkaus said…
Yeah! It's hard to trace someone from the IP because IP can be masked! :D
Kellaw said…
tekkaus, yes it could be masked but with a police report you can get the details from the ISP. they will know which account loaded that website according to the mask. it's hard but it will still lead back to the culprit
Calvin Soo KJ said…
oh gosh....why do we have people like that. if you dont like a blog, just leave. i think these people have low morale and self esteem. if you have the guts to send hate msgs, show your face and be a man....or a woman...lolz. cheers bro. thanks for the info. :)
Kellaw said…
Well calvin, for me there is always the red box on the top right corner if you dont like a blog. people who are balless(top or bottoms included) would only leave comments without a name. some are just jealous but I guess in the end the blog owner earns more traffic(more revenue lol)
Lisa said…
yeah I hate people who comes in and spam....

its funny how they arent worried of getting identified...
Kellaw said…
well lisa, they just don't know what is awaiting them. Look into today's(16 apr 09) sun paper page 4. It states that under the Multimedia Communication Act, 1998, under "unwise use of a network or network services for making comments, demands, suggestion or communications which are vulgar, false, threatening or distributing(I think this is disturbing lol). The charge carries a fine of RM50,000 or 1 year's jail or both upon conviction. People just do things without realizing the consequences. Maybe we should give business to Kruel and let him have some share of the money. hahaha. good proposal and we all earn lol. then he can treat all for BU meetups liao.
Eldy Voon said…
haha .. I don bother wat the spammers said, coz not so many of them interest @my blog .. If I found some stupid comments .. I just simply delete it ..
Kellaw said…
eldy for mine, it wouldn't even reach the approval stage. i just delete them as they come in. this is why i put comment moderation
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