How to become RICH

I am sure everyone wants to get rich at one point of their life. Yes I am sure it's a dream everyone dreamt of. Even the beggar on the streets does hope that he or she would be rich one day and no longer need to suffer the life they are in. We are not much of a difference here. You want to know the secret to become rich?

Okla. Before that, I know it's my fault that I didn't update for such a long time. Sorry lo. Many things happened during the duration that I am away. My laptop charger died followed by my battery. Things went worse from there. Anyway someone some panda wearing specs blowed(chui in cantonese) to update liao. Have to lo. Else all my readers run liao how right? Then I no money to makan roti liao. This has to be a short one because I have no ideas because my head is full of other things which gave me frequent migrains and sleepless nights. So here it is, the secret to become rich and yes I had to start with a story.

A young man asked an old rich man how he made his money. The old guy fingered his worsted wool vest and said, "Well, son, it was in 1932 during the depth of the Great Depression when I was down to my last nickel. I invested that nickel in an apple and I spent the entire day polishing the apple. At the end of the day, I sold the apple for ten cents. The next morning, I invested the ten cents in two apples and I spent the entire day polishing them. I then sold them at 5 pm for 20 cents. I continued this system for a month and by the end of which I'd accumulated a fortune of a few hundred dollars."

"Then my wife's father died and left us two million dollars!"

Moral of the story : Marry a rich wife/husband if you want to become rich. I know how you feel now. Like this right?

or this?

or this

Well I found that there is this kit specially made for this purpose below. It helps me to keep my brain away from all those thing in my head for some time. It's not a permanent solution but at least it helps. Be warned that prolonged usage of this kit might cause permanent damage. So use at your own discretion. You can click to enlarge and print this for your own use or you might want to help your boss who is reading this same message from over your shoulders at your back now.


Myhorng said…
i seriously need to be rich. and i'm not married still cos i dun wan to use that kit because i treasure my forehead alot.

what am i talking about. lol
Kellaw said…
Myhorng - i guess you overuse that kit liao.
Cathy C said…
i cannot find your, ask uncle spectre to treat you eat doughnuts then :)
Kellaw said…
Cathy - there is no cbox la. Spectre so kiamsiap go eat free one only where will treat?
Josephine said…
ppl treat u somemore say ppl kiamsiap.
I so kiamsiap, lagi wont treat u de loh?
kiddding nia.
Coffee i still can treat geh.
Kellaw said…
lol. never buy alot for souvenir mea?
test said…
OI since when i kiamsiap btw if u wan meet me.Tmw at KK outlet around 11.30 am, Times square, Add me at facebook Spectre Phang got meet up with blogger . All meet up info at my blog
Sin said…
I dunno it's me misinterpreted it or .. but well.. on ur "latest news" column.. the date should be 3rd March or 3rd May? .haha.. but not really important.. so..
jocelyncoco said…
alaa!!!apa ini!!!! u arhx!!!crazy jor panda boss!!!marry a rich wife is bad for you...coz she will like a control freak and control ur duit for roti also tau??!!~*XD
Kellaw said…
oklo spec see if i can make it.

sin - yeah typo. sorry la. blur liao

specky mui - control duit for roti better than no roti eat right? look on the bright side. she might let you control le. hahaha
renaye said…
haha. i have heard of that before.
renaye said…
i have heard of that lesson before!
Kellaw said…
renaye - from the aunties and uncles isit?
Anonymous said…
if i were really to release stress, i would end up dead!
Sin said…
So, you intend to get a rich wife izit? not bad wo.. this is actually a worth thinking idea.. jz that.. hahaha.. how rich is rich le? when you are rich.. do you actually think you are wealthy?
Kellaw said…
clef - lol. use the kit to release stress la.

sin - lol. no la its just a joke only ma
Tekkaus said…
Why not...if it only hurt a little to be that rich? Does this kit comes with warranty? Ha ;D
Kellaw said…
Tek - hurt a little eh? see la. you consider it first. No - free stuff you want warranty?
Kellaw said…
kein go print the kit la.
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