Wedding and the Funeral

No, the wedding has nothing to do with the funeral nor vice-versa. It's just the 2 events that I have to deal with this week alone. Yes. one is on the happy end of the scale yet the other is on the other end of the sad and emotional scale. For those who had known me would know that I have been staying in a temple in Penang for 2 whole years, the duration I studied there. There is always this chinese monk who talked to me, get help from me repairing his laptop. Yes he has one which he used to listen to chants, prayers and also used to study old scriptures. Yes those were the days. We are like the 2 guards of the temple lol. I would stay awake at night till the morning doing my assignments and reading materials till early in the morning till he wakes up for his morning prayers. We would then switch job where I go to sleep and he looks after of the temple. This happens for as long I have been there and known him. He is known to keep the milk for me while I would keep the chocolates fo...