The story of a duck(Ngap)

Note : If you are here looking for the other type of ngap(gigolo), you are at the wrong place but since you are here why not read this till the end?

A "ngap"(duck la) walks into a grocery store and talks to the owner.

Ngap - Handsome, got any fresh fruit anot?
Owner - No!
Ngap - Then fresh vegetables le? Got bo?
Owner - No la. Tin food got la.

The next day, the ngap returns to the same store.

Ngap - Handsome, got any fresh fruit anot?
Owner - No!
Ngap - Then fresh vegetables le? Got bo?
Owner - @@%#^$@%@&%&* NO! NO! NO! I tiau tell you liao yesterday, only got tin food. If you come back tomorrow and ask me the same questions, I'll nail your flippers to the floor.

The following day, the ngap walks in again
Ngap - Got any nails handsome?
Owner - No!
Ngap - Got any fresh fruits?
Owner - @$^&*$#^&*(*&^%$#^&**&%$#$%^&**$#$%^&&^%$#

See i told you already right? There isn't the type of ngap you searching for right?


Moral of the story? don be a ngap? or?
Kellaw said…
where got moral of the story? its supposed to be a joke only le
foongpc said…
Oh, I thought you are the ngap. Haha!
Kellaw said…
where got? it's normal duck. not me lol.
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