RM 5 Best Pregnancy Control Method
What could RM 5 do for you nowadays when the economy is so bad. To some, it's not even enough for a meal at Mc D while to some it means a week's worth of bread. Yes I have known people who ate bread for the whole month and surviving on RM 25 with plain water and bread. We are much more luckier than a lot so to say.
RM 5 could also give you the world's fastest pregnancy control method. No it's not a pack of condom. Anyways condoms are not 100% safe either. So some clever guy invented this genius way which is sure to help control pregnancy before it happens. Come on, RM 5 could mean a life an death matter here. Imagine your girlfriend or well mistress getting pregnant. So RM 5 is considered a cheap method.
RM 5 could also give you the world's fastest pregnancy control method. No it's not a pack of condom. Anyways condoms are not 100% safe either. So some clever guy invented this genius way which is sure to help control pregnancy before it happens. Come on, RM 5 could mean a life an death matter here. Imagine your girlfriend or well mistress getting pregnant. So RM 5 is considered a cheap method.
renise - mandul lagi good. no need pay rm5 anymore. hahaha
aiyak.. why? you merajuk i never ask you go ady izit? XD say earlier ma.. then i ask you go.. ekekekke
lisa - wun die la. the picture speaks for itself. worse enter hosp only. go try with your bf see.
dylan - thanks for visiting
jerine - if you have a bf or husband i can help. free sumore. hahaha
Hehe, the comic is so lol XD Good for all the gatal man who can't *ahem* control =P
pucuk mati loh...
then all human population going to pupus...
ken -pity what?
p/s: im doing well =)
From me to you, suejean =)
sue - hi and welcome