Rapid KL LIED!! TIPU!!

I have been a Rapid KL user since the days of Intrakota and Star LRT. Yes, that roughly tells you how long I had relied on public transport to move around KL. I mean the infrequent train and the rise in fares had affected me in a bad way but it's still bearable. The cost of taking the bus home had risen from a mere RM40++ for RM2 daily bus pass to RM100 for a bus pass. This doesn't include the train rides I take.

To make it worse, they boast LIED in their brochures that "SAVE 50% on fares when you buy passes". I think the brochures should be rewritten as "YOU PAY EXTRA 100% on fares even when you buy passes" or "WE EARN DOUBLE FROM PASS SALES". Well I still lived on with it despite having to wait for hours at bus stops for buses which seems to always have their display light malfunctioned, looking at buses passing by and not stopping at all, enduring dirty buses, bear with abusive rude drivers who scolds passengers "bodoh", "babi" etc, sitting on dirty LRT seats which causes rashes after that and not forgetting the hike in bus and train fares.

Then came their latest cheating marketing gimmick. This is one of the exact messages they posted on twitter "RapidKL: It's here! Come check out the new 4-car train. Walk away with free 'Integrated rapidpass' when you ride the new 4-car train today!". Then I asked because I bloody spend my time staying in the train. Guess how they answer me? "@kellaw85 We did say `if you're lucky'." Lucky my foot!!! Can you show me where the fuck is that 'if you're lucky' message? So does this constitute to cheating which I could bring to the consumer tribunal? Any experts wants to give me advice on this? Say people takes the ride just to win the pass and found it's just a gimmick to boost their sales of ticket. Do we have a case here?

I think I should really lodge a complain with the KPDNKK? Or maybe write a letter to all the newspaper columns. Yes I am pissed because of this cheating strategy used by a government supported company.

Click for bigger image or view on twitpic here and here

Rapid ran into damage control after I posted this blog and went on rampage on twitter and facebook by saying "The free passes were distributed randomly today by our team members, especially those on the first few train runs. Tks for trying, though.". So they were distributed randomly. So how did they know I am not on the first few trains? and that is for 4 bloody hours. So random that none hit me? That is not the question here anyway. The question is if it's given out randomly, then why the fuck say "Walk away with free 'Integrated rapidpass' when you ride the new 4-car train today!"? From the message it is said you will walk away with free pass if and when you ride the train. It didn't bloody mention "first few trains" or "randomly"

Want more proof? Here is a pic my friend posted for the sms he received this morning. The link here. Courtesy of Tekong or visit his blog at http://tekong.flavert.com/
The exact message my friend sent me "@kellaw85 I receive the SMS from @myrapidkl, with that exact phrase in your blog, but without "If you're lucky" "

Updates: Their Group Communication General Manager called me up and apologized for their twitter mis-communication. Given the explanation, I accepted their apology. Anyway I got the nice note, a "I love rapid kl, take public transport" landyard and a calender in my mailbox after that. I think they are real fast in righting their wrongs. Actually one of the fastest I ever had who came back to me when I have any complains. Keep up the good job guys. I will continue to support public transports.


123434325 said…
Normal liao their mentally!
KL Commuter said…
Don't get too agitated lah. They were giving out passes randomly to the first batches of users from 10am. If you go there at noon... well....
Kellaw said…
jimmy - make me frustrated only... haih.

KL commuter - how you know i am not there at 10 am? I am inside one of the trains for 4 hours today ok? if they are not giving to all specify it directly. not create gimmicks to trick customers. if you cant give all then dont say free pass when you ride. say pass given randomly. imagine starbucks giving their free coffee and they tell you they give randomly. how would you feel?
Kellaw said…
anyway i will update post with new pics when my friend confirms to allow me usage of the pic
Unknown said…
i receive that sms at 10AM. well they should give the sms earlier].
Anonymous said…
Dear Kellaw,

I was going through the news reports on the four car train and I came across your blog and the comments attibuted to the earlier Twitter messages.

I would like to sincerely apologise for the miscommunication caused by the messages. The messages should have clearly stated that the `the first few users will have a chance to win a free rapidpass'. However, and perhaps in the attempt to save space (due to the limited Twitter space), these were unwittingly omitted.

However, in view of your tremendous effort in using our new trains today, I would be happy to listen to your views and comments on the new four car trains. The entire fleet is being deployed in stages, and perhaps there are things that can be improved later. Do send your feedback to me personally at ebiazly@rapidkl.com.my. Don't forget to include your contact number, etc.

Once again, I apologise for the miscommunication.


Ebi Azly Abdullah,
General Manager,
Group Communication
Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad
Kellaw said…
tekong - same shit la. the sms is just a marketing gimmick to cheat customers. I am there when i see the first tweet from rapid. 4 hours in the train also no luck? and its not bout luck now. its bout they never mention it and now runs into damage control
Kellaw said…
ebi - mana boleh "unwittingly omitted"? Even on sms? I was one of those idiots who were there at 9+ waiting for the train after we got the tweet messages. so could I be counted as the first few users?

comments? I notice there are places to secure wheelchairs which is an improvement for OKUs but the problem of itchy butt from the rashes caused by the seats would still occur in long term.

try looking into seats like the ampang line lrt which are metal made and no gaps in between to breed bugs. the frequency is good at less than 3 minutes a train for peak periods.

could you also ensure that the gap between the train and the platform be decreased. wheelchairs always have the small wheels which could get stuck in between that gap. plus the different level between the platform and the train could cause the same problem too. doubt there is much you could do about the last one but just giving my thought. and i still want my pass...
Kellaw said…
and ebi - another thing. could you please talk to the management to allow college and university students to be eligible to buy concession passes? we students dont have much money as we are studying and forking out rm100 to 150 is too much a burden for most of us from not well to do families.
Marvin Lee said…
An evidence of poor marketing skills.
That's the difference of a local company and international brand (Starbucks).
Better hope for free coffee than free train passes.
j_yenn said…
Sounds like something "normal" and part of the country's culture to make people tension gila. Oh well.

Happy New Year.
Chee Ching said…
Hey Kellaw, last time the @MyRapidKL told me the college student concession is in the pipeline. But I'll doubt it'll ever be here.

And the @MyRapidKL twitter account has deleted the @kellaw85, 'We did say 'you're lucky'.

Hmm.. I don't like the person behind RapidKl's twitter honestly.
Anonymous said…
you should have just forward it to consumer tribunal. makes things big, and you will be satisfied (by compensation or fine on rapid KL) or, unfortunately, disappointment (rapid KL's power influenced the tribunal)

never try, never know, right?
Kellaw said…
Marvin - yeah. i know i should never compare. but anyways starbucks is around rm5-7 per cup they give away. the integrated pass is 150. do the calculations.

j_yenn - yalo. what to do. now harga gula naik. soon i will need to drink coffee without sugar. or go rompak mcd off their sugar sachets. hahaha

Chingy - talk is one simple thing. doing on the other hand is a different thing. i can tell you i give you 1 million tomorrow. whether you will even see 1 million zimbabwe dollar is another. hahaha. well this is what we call damage control by sweeping it under the carpet. neither did i thats why the printscreen is here. hahaha

anonymous - and get what? get a ticket worth rm3-4 in compensation? or risk getting sued back? these shit can happen only in msia ok?
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