Revive Rev Up Party at MOS
Yeah with Steamyx(aka streamyx/slowmyx/turtlemyx/tmnut) still giving me problem with slow and frequent disconnection, I had to resort to blogging through my phone as most of the photos are still on my phone. Too bad those Wacoal ones are in my laptop instead. So those waiting will have to wait longer. I know I have tons of backlog of posts to be done. So guys just stay with me and be patient ok? It's before the Chinese New Year that I got invited to the Revive Rev Up party at Sunway Euphoria by Ministry of Sound.

POKEY!!!! session
Look at the sad face?
I kesian the partner kena buli. but get money so not that bad la

The during and after effects of having too much booze

Since we have the losing DJ sure we have the winners right?
And the dance floor is open to all!!!!
Frustrated when i see this door. Have to tahan cause someone is inside

Coming up soon:- Traffic D'Light Food review, Digi's D'tour(yes I know it's long overdue but the pics are on my lappie), Long Table Food review, Wacoal part 2 & 3, Alice in Wonderland 3D movie review, Mobile Youth Unconference Asia 2010(free VVIP passes are still available. visit here)

The during and after effects of having too much booze

Coming up soon:- Traffic D'Light Food review, Digi's D'tour(yes I know it's long overdue but the pics are on my lappie), Long Table Food review, Wacoal part 2 & 3, Alice in Wonderland 3D movie review, Mobile Youth Unconference Asia 2010(free VVIP passes are still available. visit here)