Canon Photomarathon 2010 pt1
Yeah I know I am really behind time in my postings... As of now I am having regular chest pain and the doc says I need to rest more. I was thinking of updating when I fell sick the past few weeks. Yes, it's been a painful experience I had and is still having as of this moment. Thanks to my readers who had been patiently waiting for my posts. Anyway I went for the Photomarathon when I am supposed to stay at home to rest as of the doc's advice but I just couldn't miss this opportunity. Well, I will need to separate it into parts because it's a painstaking effort to watermark my pictures and upload them. So here it is. The first 12 pictures... I am thinking of starting my photo blog but the prob is I could seldom update like I used to do... What say you guys?
Arch just like those runs seen on newspapers.
My so called "goodie bag" without the bag of course... and spoons for the pudding too.
One of my initial candidate for the "Eyes on EOS" theme.
Another initial candidate for the "Eyes on EOS" theme.
The actual submission for the theme although I feel I could have chosen a better picture. Apparently I was correct.
My submission for the theme "Humanity" but I felt this picture would be more suitable if the theme was "Humility" instead. The original picture is full coloured. If only they would allow us to edit our pictures before we submit them but limiting them to "grayscale" and "crop".
One of the other candidates I have for the "Humanity" theme. Originally taken with color.
I named this picture "Confusion" not Confucious ok? I feel it's a good photo here.
"Peace and Hope?" Is it going to be a reality or just a dream?
"Pathway to the past"
"Tired civilization?"
or "Lonely alley"?
