Droidpad review

I was invited for a bloggers review on CSL's latest android codenamed the droidpad last Saturday at Gurney Plaza. Being a tech enthusiast, I went for it to see what they had to offer. Regional sales deputy manager, Wee Jit introducing the pad...oops I mean droidpad to us. 7 inch Multitouch capacitive screen Documents to go... The group of bloggers during the introduction session Review and hands on Then came their maskot. Reminds me of ET don't you think so? Google maps app The group of bloggers waiting patiently for the announcement of a droidpad winner This is the prize!!! So how did they pick one out of the 20 bloggers to win it? Basically you pick a girl... No... not to bring her home... Just to pick one goodies bag from them And open the bag.. Find something that looks like this(as apple tan gestures) The proud winner of the droidpad She didn't introduce herself to me so I will just name her as the "form" girl cause she is walking around collecting forms from...