Judgement Day: Transformers: Age Of Extinction

Thinking of whether to watch Transformers: Age of Extinction at the nearest cinema? Read on till the end and use the flowchart to determine if you should watch.

The 4th installment or rather a reboot of Michael "EXPLOSION" Bay's Transformers is setting the base for the 5th movie. Full of explosions! Enough said!

Was it good? or was it bad? For me I am going for a 5/10 rating. Lot's of ads placements. For god sake, I am not interested in buying bras from Victoria's Secret but I wouldn't mind looking at some pretty ladies in them. Do they have that? Is Fan Bing Bing in bikini style? I am not going to give you any spoilers. Just go and watch yourself to find out.

For your money's worth, I would recommend 3D IMAX for the fighting/battle and explosive scenes. That's if you could bear with one of the character being a mixture of a failed Tony Stark imitation of a rich billionaire clown for 2 hours 45 minutes. Yes go empty your bladder before the movie of go when you have a hunch they are going to feature the clown in the next few scenes.

Would I go for the 5th movie? Only if they feature more bikini Victoria's Secret clad ladies. Seriously and no offense to the ladies.


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