Why You Must Watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens in TGV Cinemas!

There used to be this saying by an old wise guy that goes about "Do or do not, there is no try". So watch this movie, you must! Now that we are done with deciding to watch this biggest phenomenal movie of Year 2015, the next question would be "WHERE?"

My personal selection? It's very obvious choice.. TGV of course. They are the earliest to show this movie as the US show starts only on the 18th. Yeap the force is strong with them and they are the first cinema in Malaysia to show the movies All Night Long starting from 12.05am till 6am on the 17th of December 2015 right after midnight of 16th. Be among the first in the world to watch this movie..

The last I checked, there were still seats on this special screening. Fast go on to "https://www.tgv.com.my/movies/star-wars-the-force-awakens-HO00004691" to get your tickets now.

You wouldn't want to feel left out when they talk about this movie in class, office or mamak sessions right? Imagine you are the only one who has watched the movie the previous night or one day earlier than the rest even your overseas friends? Now you earn your bragging rights.. Mwahahahaha!

That's not all, you also stand a chance to win exciting prizes and goodies by simply filling up the form with your ticket. There are also other games to play to win more prizes. So have you bought your tickets yet?

Before you go off.. Go get the IMAX tickets... This is because.... You would want to immerse yourself into the Star wars galaxy and what better way than to have a bigger screen than others? Trust me on this as I have watched several films made with IMAX quality and there's no better way to watch it but to seriously go watch it in the IMAX screen.

Stay tuned for more updates on tonight's event as I would be blogging live here in this post!

Want free passes? Go LIKE AND SHARE THIS POST -> https://www.facebook.com/kellaw/posts/10203966684725932 on facebook to stand a chance to win some passes.


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