Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Review

There you go, the movie is finally out. Son of Krypton vs Bat of Gotham, God vs Man, Day vs Night. If you don't know what I am talking about then you are most probably living in Krypton when it blew up or have somehow magically managed to avoid all the trailers, posters etc. Want to know if it was even worth the watch? Read on. If you have watched the movie and found yourself lost some part in the middle and towards the end as a non comic reader like I am, read on too as I was lost for a while and I did some reading to explain(contains spoilers towards the end, so stop before the warning below if you haven't watch the movie yet) So it was a Friday evening and I was off from work, dead tired, exhausted and wanted to pamper myself by watching the movie. I know there's nothing better than to watch it in an IMAX 3D hall. After searching online for seats, I gave up. I searched from MAXX ATMOS and other IMAX halls, all the nice place are taken. Those who know how it ...