Breaking News: Neighbouring country to build Air Dome Barrier, Another Across the bridge stakes claim to Chicken Rice and our country banning exports of durians

BREAKING NEWS! Our neighboring country has become furious over claims of the 'Nasi Goreng' (Fried Rice) being a local food of the country across the bridge by an international sports superstar has decided to build an air dome covering the whole of their country. According to regional press agency TiadaName, Minister of Food and Forestry, Dr Abu Jerebu, "It's a high price we are paying for the construction of the dome but now we could keep all the fresh air to ourselves, 'goreng' (Fry) all the 'nasi' (Rice) we wanted with the surplus of firewood and not hear complains about the regional haze situation. It will also prevent neighboring countries from stealing our food recipes." Further on the food related topic in the country across the bridge, Minister of Food and Culture, Mr Chi Ken, Lai announced that they are now filing a patent and copyright for the Chicken Rice in the region to prevent the use by others without paying the country for it...