Bricks of Love Fundraising for PKKII orphanage building on land donated by King's Park

The festive season is always about sharing and what more when the Chinese New Year is looming around. In the spirit of ushering the Year of the Dragon, why not start with some charity? What, How and Where? Read to find out more..

The Bricks of Love project is a fundraising project under King's Park's Happy Nest Building Fundraising Donation Project where King's Park generously contributed 7.75 hectares of land in Bentong to the Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Istimewa Insan (PKKII) for a new orphanage to be built.

The aim of the Happy Nest Building Fundraising, Bricks of Love project is to raise RM15 Million to build this new home for PKKII. Through the signing of the MOU between Hendric Lim, Chairman of Happy Nest Fundraising Donation Project, YBhg Dato Haji Zainal Abidin Bin Haji Sakom, Chairman of Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan (YBK) and Dr Tiew Chew Ming, Founder & President of Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Istimewa Insan (PKKII), donations to the project could now go through YBK to give the added incentive of tax exemptions to donors. For more information on the Happy Nest Building Donation Drive, contact Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan at +603-78750036 (Website), Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Istimewa Insan (PKKII) at +603-79824502 or via their website,

We further saw the signing of another MOU between Mr Sean Chen, Executive Vice President of King’s Park, Mr Darren Yang, Managing Director of Cornell Academy and YBhg Dato Zainal Abidin of YBK for King's Park to sponsor 300 of YBK’s youths to study at Cornell Academy which is in line with King’s Park’s vision to closely work with stakeholders to nurture talents and contribute to the creation of highly skilled pool of talents. For more information on Cornell Academy, visit their website at

Next up we have a special Chinese New Year performances from the kids of PKKII followed by a scrumptious buffet lunch with them. It takes over RM40K in monthly expenditures to upkeep the home that houses over 70 youths and kids of various disabilities so do visit them and donate in the spirit of giving this Chinese New Year! For more information and donations, visit the house or website at

We also had lion dance performances at King's Park to usher in the Year of the Dragon

The lucky me got a Lucky Spring Pouch from Chai Shen Yeh to ensure a good coming year during the event.

Group picture of fellow bloggers and media with King's Park Executive VP and Ms. Catherine Chew, King's Park Director of PR

For more information on King's Park, visit their website at or call +601162216168.


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