Tiger Soju Flavoured Lager Launch Party

The Tiger Soju Flavoured Lager is finally here in Malaysia!! After hearing the launch for some time now, I could proudly say that I finally had a taste of this new twist to our favourite Tiger Beer! Invited to join the exclusive0 launch party at Tropicana Mall Convention Center recently, are you Bold Enough to Enter? Enter a Bold New World of this new Tiger Beer Soju Flavoured Lager creation! Tiger Soju Flavoured Lager redemption counter! First thing first, grab a bucket! Trust me that one bucket is never enough Time to explore around the pop up games and stall in the hall! Found the in house MIX store to get all your snacking needs. Grabbed a few packs of their famous Fried Korean Luncheon Meat sticks which to me is the best pairing for the all new Tiger Soju Flavoured Lager Games to win exclusive vouchers. Yours truly won another Tiger Soju Flavoured Lager Cocktail voucher! Tiger Feel the Twist Photo Booth with all the props so you could get your ...